[Microbit-Python] Microbit operating voltage range

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Aug 17 17:07:57 EDT 2016

On 17.08.2016 22:39, fresh.bread via Microbit wrote:
> Perhaps a bit off topic, being a general hardware question, but I can't
> seem to find the appropriate forum to ask the question, but does anyone
> know what the Microbit's operating voltage range is.
> 1. I have seen it suggested that taking it above 3V isn't a good idea,
> is that true?
> 2.  Has anyone measured the minimum operating, I coupled it to a pair of
> rechargeable NiMH  cells,  these were freshly charged and putting out
> 2.6V. My patience ran out before the cells.. Will it work off 2.4v (i.e
> a pair of tired NiMH cells)

You might find this test interesting:


Apparently, 1.83V is enough to get it working.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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