[Microbit-Python] My visit to the BBC today

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Thu Sep 24 23:12:01 CEST 2015

Hi Folks,

So I demoed MicroPython to quite a full room of BBC people and other
partners in the project today. It seemed to go quite well and people
were positive about the work done so far.

Happily, I spent some time chatting with Fiona and Jo in an effort to
get the BBC to see our PoV about openness and I think I made progress.
It is my hope that we will be able to work "in the open" soon - although
it won't include the DAL library we rely on.

The music got a round of applause. Well done Matthew! :-)

I even had someone in charge of the launch event come over and chat to
me asking what the musical capabilities of the device might be. I told
her anything is possible with Python, but it mainly depends on how big a
moon you want on that stick in the given time frame.



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