[Microbit-Python] MicroPython micro:bit metronome hardware / IO testing

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Sun Sep 6 20:53:25 CEST 2015

Hi Folks,

Watch this video (Howard, yes, it's private):


Basically, Damien has connected up the IO API in the DAL and I spent
half an hour this evening testing it with a numpty hardware project (the
metronome). As you can see I'm having quite a lot of fun.

I've not forgotten about the API work... but I started a new contract
last week and that has been taking up a lot of my time. Expect
documentation and other things from me over this coming week. Both
Damien and I have been making progress in terms of enhancing the
capabilities of MicroPython on the micro:bit (e.g. from my perspective,
output from help() is meaningful to 11yo kids and there's even an
"import this" with appropriate micro-poem, for fun).

Finally, both Damien and I will be at PyCon UK and sprinting on the
MicroPython / micro:bit work on the Monday. Come join us, you may get a
special "gift" to take home with you and/or a chance for some Pythonic
posterity. ;-)

As always, comments, constructive critique and ideas most welcome!

Best wishes,


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