[Microbit-Python] Python editor designs from Steve

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Oct 27 08:58:54 EDT 2015

Fear not David, we have a white background version too.

Another thought is some means of resizing the text to make it
bigger/smaller depending on who's looking at it (useful if you want to
present your work).


On 27/10/15 12:02, David Whale wrote:
> Looks cool, but...
> Can we have a user settable option to make the background white and the
> text the same colours as used by IDLE? Also for UX accessibility
> guideline compliance, you may have to provide either an alternative
> colour scheme, or a way for users to configure the colour scheme to
> their linking, specifically supporting at least one 'high contrast'
> scheme for visually impaired users.
> It's really hard for visually impaired people to read that black
> background design, to be honest.
> Thanks!
> David
> ___________________________________________________________
> David Whale, B.Sc (Hons), MIET
> *Software Engineer and IET Schools Liaison Officer, Essex*
> email:  dwhale at theiet.org <mailto:dwhale at theiet.org>
> twitter: @whaleygeek
> blog:  blog.whaleygeek.co.uk <http://blog.whaleygeek.co.uk>
> Co-author of the new book "Adventures in Minecraft"
> <http://amzn.to/ZGfxZG> - lets get kids coding!
> On 27 October 2015 at 10:47, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org
> <mailto:ntoll at ntoll.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Folks,
>     Here is a link to a screenie of Steve's current design for the Python
>     editor (I've added Steve to this list):
>     http://ntoll.org/static/images/py-editor-dark.png
>     Apart from a couple of textual changes I've already fed back to Steve, I
>     think we're definitely on the right track. If you remember, Steve was
>     asked to create something that looked "Pythonic", would appeal to 11yo
>     kids and be simple to use. It should also look "cool" (for some
>     definition of "cool") in a way that complements the BBC micro:bit's
>     design.
>     The next steps are to send this to the BBC branding and UX compliance
>     teams to ensure we're meeting the partnership requirements. Once this is
>     done we can apply the styling to the existing editor and get the thing
>     into TouchDevelop.
>     Yay! Many thanks and congratulations to Steve for such amazing work.
>     Feedback welcome..!
>     Best wishes,
>     Nicholas.
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