[Microbit-Python] Status updates... Open Source and upcoming Python user group MicroPython / micro:bit events

Matthew Else matthewelse1997 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 10:00:55 CEST 2015

Maybe a good way to appeal to the eleven year olds who care that it’s built using micropython, or have never heard of micropython and wonder what it is (I’d have been one of those), maybe there should be a link to something 11y/o friendly with the text ‘made possible by micropython’ or words to that effect?


From:  Microbit on behalf of Larry Hastings
Reply-To:  For Pythonic MicroBit related disucssions
Date:  Friday, 16 October 2015 at 08:57
To:  <microbit at python.org>
Subject:  Re: [Microbit-Python] Status updates... Open Source and upcoming Python user group MicroPython / micro:bit events

On 10/16/2015 12:53 AM, Tim Golden wrote:
Speaking frankly, I doubt if the 11-year-old cares a whit whether it's
built with MicroPython or not. It's more about advertising to the wider
 This is like wondering if 11-year-olds care what oil and gas companies sponsor a particular race car driver.  How should we present the logo on the car, to best speak to the 11-year-olds watching?  ;-)
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