[Microbit-Python] RESENT - Python Editor

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Thu Nov 26 14:22:35 EST 2015

(Resent since my original email from 10 minutes ago appears to have got
lost). :-(

Hi Folks,

First of all, many apologies for going off the radar recently. Put
simply, I've had to deliver the code editor for TouchDevelop and needed
to hunker down. Happily, it's "finished" pending BBC testing. This will,
of course, result in updates and changes, but I believe I've broken the
camel's back.

Here's a video of the latest version, including all of Steve Hawkes'
wonderful design!


The source code is still supposed to be "hidden".

However, it's hiding in plain view (as Michael Sparks would put it). If
Microsoft can develop their web based programming tools (i.e.
TouchDevelop) in the open, so can the Python Software Foundation.

Ergo, here's the code:


(There's NOTHING in that repos that reveals anything above and beyond
what has already been published about the device.)

Grace Hopper FTW.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to take a look, try it out and CONTRIBUTE
bug fixes, code and documentation. I will definitely need help in terms
of web development for cross browser testing. I'll also be updating the
stand-alone browser to the same code / tests / design over the weekend:


Also, the "help.html" file could do with some love. I'd like there to be
a very simple tutorial, some videos and example code. All written for

If you're wondering why we need a Python presence in the TouchDevelop
platform then the answer is simple: it's the "blessed" platform that the
BBC will be pushing. Our editor is, I guess, a sort of a Trojan horse
pointing a way to Python and the "hacker" (used in the positive sense)

As always, comments, constructive critique and ideas most welcome!

In other news, David Whale has put me in touch with an 11yo girl called
Abbie who has been designing some images for us. I'll try to get those
wrapped up into a PR over the weekend. We've also had our first bug
report from a teacher
(https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython/issues/110) although I see
Radomir and Mark are all over that issue.

Also, Tom and Radomir have been having fun with their micro:bits as part
of the world tour:


Robots! Water! Videos! Code! Dead micro:bits! Shocking stuff..!

Carol (California) has had hers a few days, Mark (New Zealand) had his
arrive today and Naomi (Chicago) and I are following the package
tracking site as USPS appear to have kidnapped hers (it's in the
Washington DC area at the moment). I've been in touch with a bunch of
Brazilians who'd love to get their hands on one! Please feel free to
suggest others who might want to take part. The more far flung, the
better! Know anyone in the Antarctic?

If *you* have a micro:bit and have something cool to show, please
contribute it via pinging me an email. I'll add an "honourable mentions"
page to the website so you can add things there. Alternatively, create a
pull request into the examples directory.

I'm off to the pub for a well earned drink.

Best wishes,


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