[Microbit-Python] Sharing devices

Damien George damien.p.george at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 18:54:32 EST 2015

A really great idea Nicholas!

To get maximum benefit they'd need to get posted out very soon I
guess.  That way we have more examples and tutorials (or even improved
C code) when the device is used by the students.  But I guess the
world tour could still continue even after Jan next year.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Tom Viner <tom at viner.tv> wrote:
> This sounds like a really fun idea Nic.
> How do you envisage gaining the attention of Python users round the world?
> Local mailing lists and user groups? Who would be responsible for posting to
> these groups?
> Then choosing the next person to send the device to, would you have
> prospective recipients write a short bio or intro to their contribution
> idea? Then have the current holders choose from that list? (and apply to see
> a postal address - no changing your mind, you can't read everyone's address
> type thing, but you can see all applicants on a suitably approximate map)
> On 1 November 2015 at 22:26, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> So those of you who already have a device: this doesn't really apply to
>> you but I'd love to hear your feedback all the same.
>> I've been chatting with Naomi Ceder (on this mailing list) about
>> improving the diversity of contributors to our efforts. A fallout of
>> this discussion was an email about how to make best use of the handful
>> of micro:bits I now have to send out to people (these are in addition to
>> those handed out at PyCon UK).
>> We hit upon the idea of a "world tour" combined with the concept of a
>> "friendship cake" (viz: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_cake)
>> mashed up with GeoCaching (bear with me here...).
>> :-)
>> Essentially, I'll seed the five devices to people who have expressed an
>> interest and who are spread out around the world. I'll contact these
>> people off list so I can grab their postal address. Each micro:bit has a
>> name: Mary, Meena, Mandela, Mei-Xiu and Mohandas and maybe even a
>> mission (for example, Mary might want to travel around the world in a
>> westerly direction). You get the idea. It's supposed to be fun and
>> engaging for both the Python community and kids when they start to learn
>> about how the project was made.
>> Once you get your device you have a week to do something with it: create
>> a Python project, write a tutorial, plug it into some hardware... that
>> sort of thing. Most importantly, we get to see different members of the
>> Python community contribute to the Python aspect of the micro:bit
>> project. Once you've created your contribution you should log what
>> you've done in a GeoCaching like diary/travel-log that I've hacked
>> together this evening. It's *very* early days and a lot is missing but
>> you can get the idea by pointing your browser here:
>> http://microworldtour.github.io/
>> The source code is static HTML and you contribute via pull requests to
>> this repository:
>> https://github.com/microworldtour/microworldtour.github.io
>> Once you've had it a week you should decide who the next person should
>> be to get your micro:bit. This will be entirely *your* decision.
>> However, the candidates for you to choose from will be listed on a (to
>> be written) page on the site. I'll make sure it's all obvious what you
>> need to do. New candidates will get onto the list by creating a pull
>> request. :-)
>> I'll write up more instructions tomorrow.
>> In the meantime I'd love to hear feedback. Basically I'm trying to solve
>> three problems:
>> 1) Getting the handful of micro:bits into the hands of as many people as
>> possible.
>> 2) Ensuring we have contributions from a diverse number of people spread
>> all over the world (Python *is* an international community after all).
>> 3) Creating resources and a fun record of what we've been up. The
>> website would be a cute "advert" for collaborators.
>> Does this make sense..?
>> As always, constructive critique, comments and idea are most welcome!
>> Best wishes,
>> Nicholas.
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