[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 00:05:19 CEST 2015

On 9 July 2015 at 18:54, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> This is a quote from an email from Damien in a discussion about BLE on
> the micro:bit. I'm pretty certain he's on the 16k version.
> "There is 16k RAM.  8k is for the BLE, plus 2k to
> communicate with the BLE, leaving 6k for user apps.  At the moment
> (with the MicroBit driver) that 6k is pretty much completely used up
> (it's split into 4k data and 2k stack).  So there is no room at all
> for MicroPython with the existing BLE+MicroBit drivers."
> If there's to be a 32k version I guess BLE could be on the table.
> Michael, this is the first I've heard of the 32k version. Is that how
> much RAM will be on the device delivered to kids??? If so, where can we
> get the hardware?

The production version is definitely 16K.

It's just that there's a few photos kicking about of a chip with a
serial number that if you look at the data sheet is 32K. Probably
from an earlier iteration *OR* from me reading the datasheet
wrong, maybe :)

I just worried for a bit that the devices Damien was testing with
were 32K not 16K. Since this is  all based on 16K that's really good
to know.

The specific numbers above I'll chew on.

Many thanks,

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