[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Tue Jul 7 17:33:56 CEST 2015

On 07/07/15 16:04, Howard Baker-IF&L wrote:
> We’ve been talking about it!!

Good! Looking forward to your feedback. :-)

I hope you (the BBC collectively) realise we're proposing something that
can Pythonically complement the existing work and that there is talent
and willing enough within the UK Python community to produce the goods
(both in terms of a website at microbit.python.org and educational
resources). The most urgent aspect of this is working out how it "slots
in" to the BBC's plans.

As Sunday demonstrated, despite our best efforts, TouchDevelop is not a
viable solution where Python is concerned for all the reasons stated in
the report I sent over yesterday afternoon.

As Friday at RPi towers and Michael's responses to this list have shown
- Damien's amazing work on MicroPython has created a great sense of
excitement in those who've seen it in action.

Happy to answer any questions you may have.

Would be great if we could organise a meeting on Friday! Like I said,
time is the thing we can't make more of - the sooner we start the better
for all.

Best wishes,


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