[Microbit-Python] The BBC reveal the device to the media

Michael sparks.m at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 16:53:44 CEST 2015

Lots of mention of python here:

<shameless plug>
</shameless plug>

The original announcement said that the device will be programmable
using python, it never said how. The fact that the PSF is a partner was
loud and proud in the announcements today.

Python isn't a secret. I think Micropython is simply undecided. I do
think it's the preferred solution.

Saying how that is happening I think requires a decision, and I suspect
that if the concensus amongst pythonistas here is that micropython is
the obvious way forward (it is to me), then the key question my
colleagues would have would be "how do we make that fit into the
workflow for the rest of the system".

That I think is a trivial step, and we get agreement to do that.

My suggestion incidentally, based on having built a system with an API for
Python, Javascript, and C++ would be to follow the same API as the DAL
where possible.

If you want a web simulator for python then (if you can't reuse the touch
develop one) would be to use Brython - as the path of least resistance.
(Brython's quite funky if you've not seen it)

As they say, bring answers, not questions. "We think this is the best way
forward so we're doing this".

That said, there may be sensitivities that I'm not aware of, so it'd be worth
pinging people later on.


On 07/07/2015, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org> wrote:
> On 07/07/15 14:20, David Whale wrote:
>> Tony hall mentioned python several times and so did dara o brien at the
>> public launch today.
> Great stuff! I hope it went well.
> David, would be interesting to get your perspective on the Python work
> we're doing.
> *Everyone* - David is the point man for the Institution of Engineering
> and Technology (who are also a BBC partner). David also writes awesome
> books on Minecraft and Python programming.
> :-)
> N.

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