[Microbit-Python] Python on the MicroBit. The PSF's suggested solution.

Harry Percival harry at pythonanywhere.com
Tue Jul 7 11:56:24 CEST 2015

Are we still under NDA?  I found myself wanting to respond to a grumpy 
tweet by tech journalist Glynn Moody about how he thinks the Microbit is 
locked-in to closed-source windows software....


On 06/07/15 18:29, Michael wrote:
> On 6 July 2015 at 18:02, Nicholas H.Tollervey <ntoll at ntoll.org 
> <mailto:ntoll at ntoll.org>> wrote:
>     On 06/07/15 17:53, Michael wrote:
>     > Have read the document.
>     >
>     > Micropython works on the device? Micropython works on the
>     device! That's
>     > *_astonishingly awesome_*, especially considering everything else
>     > discussed there.
>     >
>     You can thank Damien for that. He deserves a gold star for making
>     it happen.
> Indeed.
>     Exactly. It also helps that the chief ARM engineer involved with the
>     project (Jonny - also of this parish) is Damien's next door
>     neighbour. ;-)
> There are times when I wonder if it would be a good idea to move back 
> to Cambridge :-)
>     > *Howard, Fiona: *The proposed option /*eliminates*/ the need for a
>     > compile step at all for python. You can still have a browser based
>     > editor - but rather than having it sent to a server for
>     compilation, you
>     > could simply download the file/save locally. You can retain all
>     the same
>     > branding etc, you can have the files hosted on the same platform
>     as the
>     > rest I would assume (since they could be static content I
>     guess), but
>     > you sidestep the need to worry about the touch develop platform.
>     >
>     It eliminates a browser too. Personally this is a huge step. Browser
>     based editors are (to be honest) naff when compared to native editors
>     that kids and teachers will already know.
> The thing about keeping the browser element is that it sits in a place 
> where they normally go to for the rest of the ecosystem, that creates 
> data in the right format - plain text. Ask a non-techie what plain 
> text is, and they're likely to say something with text, maybe 
> headings, bullet lists, bold and italic. (I got convinced of that 
> argument about a decade ago)
> Eliminating the *dependency* on it though is great.
>     > Ignoring all the technical benefits that this brings, it brings
>     a major
>     > extra - it means that if in a week, a year, 2 years, 5 years,
>     hosting
>     > for a compiler site went away, children using them in Y8, Y9,
>     Y12 would
>     > still be able to use their devices, so long as they were in
>     "python mode".
>     >
>     That's an excellent point. I wish I'd thought of that! ;-)
> The risk of "what happens if the compiler is taken away from you" is 
> one which we've discussed more than a few times. If that happens you 
> have little choice but to build your own. Sidestepping it is neat.
>     It's not resources or people that are the major hurdle here - rather
>     time. The more of it we have, the better will be the end result.
> Indeed.
> I vaguely reminded of the film "When Worlds Collide", where the 
> catchprase there is "Time is our most precious resource".
>     > None of this is even vaguely my call, but I think this is really
>     really
>     > fantastic progress :-)
>     >
>     You're welcome..!
>     I might add that none of this would have been possible without your
>     initial work or the incredibly useful posts you have made to this
>     mailing list.
> Thanks - I try to be useful :)
> Regards,
> Michael.
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Harry + the PythonAnywhere team.

Harry Percival
harry at pythonanywhere.com

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