[Microbit-Python] Python on the MicroBit. The PSF's suggested solution.

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Mon Jul 6 18:14:05 CEST 2015

Hi Fiona and Howard,

(cc: the microbit at python.org mailing list.)

You asked for "Python on the Microbit".

We (those who participated in two recent workshops) have a
recommendation to fulfil this request. I've written a private password
protected web-based report that summarises our work and recommendation.

The details you need are as follows:

URL: http://tollervey.com/bbc/
Username: microbit
Password: snakes

(Note - all the content in the report, including the videos and images,
is password protected.)

We want to move forward on this recommendation as quickly as possible.

As a result we'd like to meet with the BBC (where "we" is myself, Damien
and someone from the Raspberry Pi Foundation) to work out how we can
best cooperate, collaborate and complement each other's work.

How does Friday afternoon at the BBC in London look to you? Late
afternoon is best for me.

What we need from the BBC is a FAST decision on how we move forward. It
would be useful if decision makers at the BBC can be in the proposed
meeting to facilitate this. Put simply, the longer the delay, the harder
this becomes for all concerned.

As always, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have
and/or move any mountains that appear on our roadmap.

Best wishes and best of luck for tomorrow's launch,


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