[Microbit-Python] building a branch

Nicholas H.Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Thu Dec 3 03:33:19 EST 2015

Hi Mark,

Could you commit your work on the neopixel branch and push it to GitHub?
That way any of us will be able to recreate your local context and poke
it with a proverbial stick.

Alternatively, if you don't want to fanny-anny around with GitHub you
could send us the patch.diff file you'll get from running this command
on your neopixel branch:

git diff neopixel master > patch.diff

Hope this helps!


On 03/12/15 07:44, Mark Schafer wrote:
> I'm having difficulty getting a branch to compile to a hex.
> 1. Ive got the https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython cloned locally
> 2. I've done a "git checkout neopixel" to get the neopixel branch current
>     - (There are only two branches: Master and neopixel) "git branch
> --list"
>     - I've verified that the file modneopixel.cpp is in the source
> folder. So pretty sure I have correct branch.
> 3. I've built using yotta:
>     - yt target bbc-microbit-classic-gcc-nosd
>     - yt up
>     - yt build
> 4. The resulting file, as indicated in the readme, is in:
>     - build/bbc-microbit-classic-gcc-nosd/source/
>     - as a hexfile
> 5. The instructions say to run "make" to add any changed qstrs
>     - the resulting hex is in build/firmware.hex.
>     - I've tried "make" and also "make -B", both initiated from the
> micropython directory
> When I load this hex onto the Microbit. I don't see the neopixel module.
>     - in the neopixel branch there is an additional file called
> modneopixel.cpp which exposes the neopixel object
>     - so it should be visible.
>     - No errors are shown on screen during the compile phases.
> Can someone with more experience indicate which step in the process I
> have not done ?
> Or how I might check further to see where problem lies ?
> Thanks, Mark...
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