[META-SIG] RE: Advocacy & DejaNews

aaron watters aaron_watters@classic.msn.com
Wed, 5 Nov 97 10:59:53 UT

In general I find that I get flamed very little in other
newsgroups - I have the most trouble with Python
old-timers on comp.lang.python - go figure.

Generally it helps to be somewhat fair, add some
ironic self-deprecating caveat, and include a bit
of self-mockery.  I think I have the technique more
or less perfected at this point.

Probably one of the best things the Python
community could do to promote itself would be
to adopt high standards or mutual respect and
encouragement and general friendliness
This is why I like Tim Peters so much.   -- Aaron Watters

From:  Andrew Kuchling
Sent:  Tuesday, November 04, 1997 2:22 PM
To:  Aaron_Watters@msn.com
Subject:  Advocacy & DejaNews

Paul Everitt has started a discussion on the Meta-SIG about forming an
Advocacy-SIG to encourage promotion of Python.  One thing he suggested
was patrolling other newsgroups and mentioning Python where
appropriate.  Now, you've mentioned that you do this via DejaNews.
How does it work out, in practice?  Do people say "gee, thanks for the
info", or do they just ignore it, or flame you mercilessly?

	Andrew Kuchling

PS-- While searching DejaNews to get your e-mail address, I found one
Anselm Lingnau who has a quote from you in his .sig: "Netscape, Sun
and MicroSoft: the open road to proprietary systems."

PPS-- I also have a quotation from you in my quotation file, comparing
free software to artificial life.

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