[META-SIG] Re: retiring the db-sig

Andrew Kuchling amk@magnet.com
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 11:36:42 -0400 (EDT)

> Michael McLay writes, on retiring the db-sig:
> > on this some.)  Also, since the sig web page is the primary hook for
> > getting information about the Python database interface standard it
> > can't just be abandoned.  It would create some dead links.

	We really shouldn't have important information only accessible
from SIG links.  How about following the Linux example and creating a
list of HOWTOs?  They're small documents that cover one specific topic
quite completely; some of the Linux ones cover things like configuring
PPP, using Chinese/Japanese character sets.  Python ones could cover
the database interface, threads, or whatever.  (The docstring in
cgi.py could almost become a CGI HOWTO.)

GvR wrote:
> E.g. I imagine that the archives of the recently closed pythonwin-sig
> should still be accessible!

	Who suggested taking them down?  I'm certainly not going to
remove them just because the SIG closed; people may come across them
while doing a Web search and find out about Python that way.

	Andrew Kuchling

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