[META-SIG] Re: Thread-SIG

Ross Andrus andrus@chopper.us.dg.com
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 11:26:43 -0400 (EDT)


> If there's no discussion based on this proposal, I take it that
> there's no need for a Thread-SIG -- so please comment!
> 	--Guido

  I think it's needed, and so I support it's creation. I don't know
  what I, personally, could contribute, but I'd be happy to try...


  Ross Andrus                                    Data General Corporation    
  andrus@chopper.us.dg.com                       4400 Computer Drive
  (508) 898-5156 (voice)                         Westboro, MA 01580
  (508) 898-5097 (fax)                           MS F135 (SSD)
  232-5156 (DG internal)

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