[META-SIG] Terminating comatose SIGs

Kevin J. Butler butler@cs.byu.edu
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 16:07:27 -0500

On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Andrew Kuchling wrote:

> 	I subscribe to the worse-is-better philosophy of releasing
> some lame product quickly, and then subsequently improving it until

Absolutely--note how successful Microsoft has been with this approach--
and they don't generally even reach  the "not lame" phase.  ;-)

> it's no longer lame.  Perhaps a SIG shouldn't be started until there's
> some existing body of code for the SIG to work with; that imposes the
> minimum requirement that someone had to care enough to write code in
> the first place...

I like this idea, except:
-It may unreasonably hinder group work
-If group work does take place, it will be coordinated via c.l.p,
which Guido doesn't like much (or is that disapproval only if
there is already a relevant SIG?)

Kevin Butler		          butler@byu.edu			8-)
A pun a day keeps the doctor away...and everyone else, too.
http://students.cs.byu.edu/~butler/homepage.html  (updated 10/18/96)

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