[PYTHON META-SIG] Proposal for new SIG on Factory Automation

Michael McLay mclay@eeel.nist.gov
Tue, 9 Apr 96 17:35:36 EDT

There is a growing interest in using Python as an alternative to
Rocky Mountain Basic, C, and other languages that are commonly used to
control instruments in factory workcells.  I have been asked to set up
a mailing list for a group to use in developing an interface definition.
Here's the blurb for the group.  

########################## eFactory-SIG ############################
eFactory-SIG, a Special Interest Group for using Python for Factory Automation 

This list has been created in order to discuss using Python to control
equipment in laboratories and factory settings.  

Participants will define Python extensions that will support the use
to control equipment and interface the equipment to analysis software
and factory control systems.

The special interest group will develop a proposal for and coordinate
the implementation of Python modules for interfaces to equipment
through GPIB and other commonly used instrument and equipment control
hardware technologies.  The scope of the work for the group will be
defined in more detail once the mailing list is in place

About this list: Additions and deletions are all automated via
Majordomo.  For details, send the word `help' in the body of a mail
message to the Administrivia address given below.  The subscription
policy is `open', meaning you can add or delete yourself at any time,
but you cannot add or delete anyone else without approval.

This list is unmoderated and unrestricted.  This means that anybody
can post messages to the list.  Messages are archived and available
for download, as are perhaps other useful files.  For details, send
the word `index' in the body of a message to the Administrivia

Post messages to the everyone on the list by using the List address.

If you absolutely must to contact a human being, use the Owner

List address:  efactory-sig@python.org

Administrivia: efactory-sig-request@python.org

Owner:         efactory-sig-owner@python.org

META-SIG  - SIG on Python.Org SIGs and Mailing Lists

send messages to: meta-sig@python.org
administrivia to: meta-sig-request@python.org