[PYTHON META-SIG] forwarded message from Leif Neve

Barry A. Warsaw Barry A. Warsaw" <bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us
Wed, 21 Jun 95 19:16:13 -0400


------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
A collection of SPAM Haiku
Pink tender morsel,
Glistening with salty gel.
What the hell is it?
Ears, snouts and inards,
A homogeneous mass.
Pass another slice.
Cube of cold pinkness
Yellow specks of porcine fat.
Give me a spork please.
Old man seeks doctor.
"I eat SPAM daily", says he.
Highly unnatural,
The tortured shape of this "food":
A small pink coffin.

------- end -------

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