[PYTHON META-SIG] Python Locator work

Paul Everitt/Digital Creations Paul.Everitt@cminds.com
29 Aug 95 12:18:08

Yes, I sent an email to Barry yesterday to get things cranked up, 
and professing my major confusion on how to do it!  Reading old 
email on the SIG creation steps only furthured my density...

So, yes, it is on the way.  Here is my current tasklist:
1) Get the SIG going
2) Comment on Ken's comments
3) Add to the document:
 o corrections
 o more fields
 o discussion of Harvest implementation
 o a sample (5) below
4) I've already sucked over Guido's mail archive, I'll index it later
5) Write a SITE IAFA file for python.org
6) Argue w/ everyone about (4)  :^)
7) Create a few non-python.org IAFA files (e.g. a Digital Creations)
8) Churn all the above into a draft Locator implementation
9) Announce the SIG to a wider audience


To: meta-sig @ python.org @ Internet
cc:  (bcc: Paul Everitt/Digital Creations)
From: guido @ cnri.reston.va.us (Guido van Rossum) @ Internet
Date: 08/29/95 11:55:36 AM
Subject: Re: [PYTHON META-SIG] Python Locator work

> First of all, it seems to me this discussion warrants a sig mailing-list -
> eg, locator-sig.  That'd leave the meta-sig for things that meta more...-)

Agreed.  Notice that there is already a placeholder for this sig in
the sigs/index.html file!

Otherwise, I also agree with Ken -- the IAFA template idea looks good
(plus we could publish our stuff via ALIWEB!).

Let's go ahead on this one!

--Guido van Rossum <guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
URL: <http://www.python.org/~guido/>

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