[melbourne-pug] Install ‘conda’ using Debian package manager

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Aug 1 23:20:27 EDT 2017

Sergio Valqui <svalqui at unimelb.edu.au> writes:

> There is no such an installer for Anaconda , as is rather a collection
> of packages that are installed hence the shell

So if I install those packages using ‘python3 -m pip install’, I have an
equivalent environment that can behave correctly in a tutorial that
assumes Anaconda?

> the full list of packages are listed , below:
> https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/packages/pkg-docs.html

That confuses me. Is that a list of the packages to install in order to
have an Anaconda environment?

Or is it a list of packages *available for* Anaconda?

> Which one you need depends on what you are trying to achieve,

I'm trying to have an environment, by installing operating system
packages and PyPI packages, that will perform correctly in a tutorial
that assumes I have Anaconda.

The reason to prefer operating system packages and PyPI is that those
will not make arbitrary changes on my computer, and they can be reversed
knowing that the package and its effects are gone from the environment.

 \        “I was in Las Vegas, at the roulette table, having a furious |
  `\     argument over what I considered to be an odd number.” —Steven |
_o__)                                                           Wright |
Ben Finney

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