[melbourne-pug] Agile

Brian May brian at linuxpenguins.xyz
Sat Jan 30 17:42:54 EST 2016

Kiran Busi <kiran.busi at gmail.com> writes:

> Why not implement a version of agile in your org you're currently
> working in now.  Keep the agile principle but modify the process to
> suit your org size.  Then next interview you can say "yes" and talk
> about how you modified it to xyz and why it made sense to do so.

Good suggestion. If I was still employed in a code development role...

Like Dylan has said, I suspect in my previous job I was actually doing a
lot of the steps in Agile, with the big exception that I had all the
hats: "Product Owner", "Representative User", "Scrum Team", "Development
Team", "Documentation Writer", "Documentation Proof Reader", "Project
Leader", "Release Manager", etc.

Maybe I need to be better at getting this point across in interviews.
Brian May <brian at linuxpenguins.xyz>

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