[melbourne-pug] Question re job ads from recruiters

Tom Allen tom at jugglethis.net
Wed Jan 27 00:37:28 EST 2016

On 27 January 2016 at 16:07, Andrew Stuart <andrew.stuart at supercoders.com.au
> wrote:

> I’m curious to know why the limitations on job postings from recruiters?
> Because this is a mailing list for discussions of the Python language and
ecosystem, not a jobs board.

> I get plenty of good Python jobs but we can’t post them here which is a
> pity as there might be a good outcome for all.
> More likely a good outcome for you, the company, and the new employee.
<cynic mode>And probably in that order too...</cynic mode>

> Why does it matter that we need to keep the company name off the job ad?
> Everyone knows that’s just one of the limitations we recruiters need to
> deal with.
> People who aren't actively seeking a job aren't interested in
opportunities they cannot evaluate. A job advert that doesn't provide the
company name is just noise.

> Perhaps if there was a jobs mailing list address then people could tune
> out of the noise by moving the job postings off the main list.
> There are many such lists already; stack overflow jobs, seek, indeed, etc.
Any python developer looking for a job is more than capable of searching
there, or *asking* for opportunities here - to which you'd be welcome to

> Thoughts?
> The rules[1] are fine the way they are. I, for one, hope they remain so.

> Andrew


[1] From https://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG:

We have a policy about job offers on the mailing list:
>    - As long as it's a Python-related job offer by the hiring company and
>    not by an intermediary recruiter, you can just send it to the mailing list.
>    - If it's not Python-related, or the poster of the job ad is a
>    recruiter who won't mention the company that will be doing the hiring,
>    please just use Seek or Monster, and don't write to the mailing list.
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