[melbourne-pug] [pyconau-orgs] Permanent links to Code of Conduct

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Apr 9 13:15:53 CEST 2015

Understood, thanks. I'll wait for a further reply before taking any action.



On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Joshua Hesketh <josh at nitrotech.org> wrote:

>  Hello again Javier,
> The code of conduct isn't hard coded into the source but rather supplied
> as part of the content management system built into zookeepr. This year the
> URL is here: http://2015.pycon-au.org/register/code_of_conduct
> Placing a copy on the main pycon-au domain could be tricky as it implies
> that it is always in effect. However there may be need to update the
> code-of-conduct between years and as such we need to host an individual
> copy with each conference iteration as a reflection of what that years
> attendees agreed to.
> I'm actually surprised PyCon AU hasn't moved to Linux Australia's one
> which has had a lot of work put into it and been exercised at multiple
> different events (including debconf and others outside of just Linux
> Australia). I understand less people of MPUG may have seen it, but I
> personally don't see that as a reason not to use it.
> There is no obvious license on the pyconau 2015 code of conduct so I'll
> leave that to others to reply.
> Cheers,
> Josh
> On 09/04/15 20:57, Javier Candeira wrote:
>   Thanks a lot, Josh.
>  Two notes on why your answer doesn't work for my question:
> - I'm trying to avoid forking and maintaining the code myself, as well as
> gathering the necessary consensus on every word of the language. If someone
> in the MPUG community cares enough to do it, well, they can, but I won't.
> My proposal was that we adopt the Pycon AU code of Conduct. The LCA code is
> a different text.
>  - Why the Pycon AU's CoC and no other? Because 100% of our organisers and
> most of our presenters already attend Pycon AU, so they already subscribe
> it. It's also shorter than other options, so less to read and discuss. MPUG
> is resource-starved, I wanted to avoid spending cycles on the CoC, and just
> adopt one, announce it, move on. Longer version of this rationale on the
> linked mailing list thread.
>  I hadn't thought of it until this very moment, but if the pycon-au site
> is in source control anywhere, and you can give me access, I can just offer
> a patch via Pull Request where the Pycon AU CoC is served from a stable
> URL, something like http://pycon-au.org/code_of_conduct/ , and then link
> there.
> Would that be acceptable?
> It's always nice to interact with you, even if it's business talk!
>  Regards,
>  J
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Joshua Hesketh <josh at nitrotech.org>
> wrote:
>>  Hello Javier,
>> You can find a copy of Linux Australia's Code of Conduct under a creative
>> commons license here:
>> https://github.com/linuxaustralia/constitution_and_policies/blob/master/code_of_conduct.md
>> You're also welcome to fork it for your own use and suggest improvements
>> via pull requests.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh
>> On 09/04/15 17:22, Javier Candeira wrote:
>>     Hi, Pycon-AU,
>>  At MPUG we are using a link to Pycon AU's Code of Conduct as an example
>> of our own procedure in case of complaints. If needed, here's our mailing
>> list thread for background:
>>  First email in thread:
>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/melbourne-pug/2015-March/002255.html
>>  Message about link expiry:
>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/melbourne-pug/2015-April/002320.html
>>  Last (so far) email in thread:
>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/melbourne-pug/2015-April/002321.html
>>  However, the yearly links (in the 2014 registration, etc) expire.
>>  Could you please provide a non-dated, non-expiring link we could use
>> permanently?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Javier Candeira, MPUG person.
>>  _______________________________________________
>> pyconau-orgs mailing listpyconau-orgs at lists.linux.org.auhttp://lists.linux.org.au/mailman/listinfo/pyconau-orgs
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