[melbourne-pug] Australia's first educational hackathon

Rowan Kunz rowan at myedapp.com
Thu May 15 01:08:53 CEST 2014

Hey everyone,

Rowan here from myEd <http://www.myedapp.com/> (we're a Sydney based start
up working in the educational technology sector helping schools make the
transition to digital). We've recently teamed up with the Centre for New
Public Education <http://www.cpe.org.au/> to host Australia’s first
education hackathon, Eduhack, on June 20-22 in Melbourne.

EduHack is a 56 hour event across the weekend of 20th June that will bring
together students and individuals from the education, business, and
technology communities to share ideas, form teams and design and develop
innovative solutions that tackle real education challenges.

We’re extremely excited as this will be the first time in Australia that
the hackathon model is applied to education to catalyze innovation.

*Why am I sharing this with you?* (hopefully it's OK for me to make this
post in your forum - if not, apologies in advance!)

   1. We need your help to break down the barriers between digital
   innovation and the education sector
   2. Individuals with business & technical skills like yourself are
   critical to the development of amazing startups at EduHack that tackle
   real educational challenges
   3. We’d love for you to play a role in sparking innovation and change in
   education in Australia by using your business & technical skills to create
   meaningful social impact.

*How can you get involved?*

   1. Go to our website www.eduhack.com.au to register for EduHack.
   2. We need you to spread the word about this fantastic opportunity to
   like-minded individuals within your meet-up group (and beyond!) you believe
   would be interested in taking part in this ground-breaking weekend.

For more information about the event and it’s structure, please visit our
website at www.eduhack.com.au

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about the

Best regards (and looking forward to seeing you at eduHack!

Rowan Kunz


myEd <http://www.myedapp.com/>



*Rowan Kunz, *Co-Founder & Chief Learning Architect

*myEd <http://www.myedapp.com>* - *Learning in the palm of your hand. *

Who doesn't love a good ol' fashion blog <http://blog.myedonline.com/>  |  Join
the fun on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/myedonline>  |  Stalk us
@myEdOnline <https://twitter.com/myEdOnline>

Connect with me on Linked In <http://lnkd.in/btQ7KUN>

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