[melbourne-pug] Kiwi PyCon 2014: Last chance for our accommodation block booking!

Tom Eastman tom at eastman.net.nz
Fri Aug 22 07:04:34 CEST 2014

Today is the FINAL day for potential attendees to apply for financial
aid for Kiwi PyCon 2014. In addition, today is the last day that we can
hold onto the reserved accommodation booking at the Brentwood Hotel and
at the Angus Inn Hotel in Lower Hutt.

Help us out and spread the word if you can -- if you already have
accommodation sorted, that's fine, and if you already have everything
sorted and you're not interested in financial assistance, that's great!

However, we'd be heartbroken either of the above were not true and the
only reason you didn't get it sorted today was because you didn't know
today was the deadline!

So: Head over to our financial aid page and send us an email before
midnight tonight! The Kiwi PyCon 2014 team are going to be considering
applications early tomorrow morning (no Saturday sleep-ins for us till
the conference is done!) so this deadline is not theoretical. If we
don't have your application, you will miss out!


Likewise: If you don't have accommodation for the conference, tomorrow
we have to call our hotels and release the block booking -- at that
point all the leftover rooms at both locations will be open to
reservations from the general public and might end up getting snapped
up. So get in quick and give them a call today!




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