[melbourne-pug] Yesterday's MPUG session and going forward

Javier Candeira javier at candeira.com
Thu Sep 5 09:10:52 CEST 2013

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 5:07 PM, John La Rooy <john.larooy at gmail.com> wrote:
> def (L):
>     assert isinstance(L, list)

But that way you don work well with "duck lists". Or, in my case, you
lose polymorphism (a pythonic SortedList will work with any orderable
type). Maybe I could "assert arerelativeorderable(newelement,
firstelement), but that's what I do by writing "try: newelement >
itemzero; except: BOOM"

> PEP8 strongly discourages using l as a variable name

It says nothing about email discussions!


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