[melbourne-pug] django db race conditions

Brian May brian at microcomaustralia.com.au
Fri Nov 22 00:56:57 CET 2013

On 21 November 2013 00:25, Rasjid Wilcox <rasjidw at openminddev.net> wrote:

>  I can't really comment a lot, since I've avoided django after looking at
> it a number of years ago and deciding that its ORM was too limited for my
> needs.  You may need to drop down to raw sql, rather than relying on the
> django ORM.  At the very least you will want to look at exactly what sql is
> being sent to the server.  See
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/faq/models/#how-can-i-see-the-raw-sql-queries-django-is-runningfor info on that, although I don't know if that will tell you when each
> transaction is starting and stopping.

You might find any limitations you once had with Django ORM no longer exist

One limitation I have noticed though, is that above technique (and the
other logging technique) for logging SQL don't log session start up /
transaction stuff :-(

This is Django 1.5 however, can't really report a bug until I have tested
it with Django 1.6, a lot has changed in the db layer.

So, I am restricted to using wireshark. Lets see:

Process #1:
set autocommit=0
SELECT `machine`.`id`, `machine`.`password`, `machine`.`last_login`,
`machine`.`name`, `machine`.`no_cpus`, `machine`.`no_nodes`,
`machine`.`type`, `machine`.`category_id`, `machine`.`start_date`,
`machine`.`end_date`, `machine`.`pbs_server_host`,
`machine`.`mem_per_core`, `machine`.`scaling_factor` FROM `machine` WHERE
`machine`.`id` = 1
INSERT INTO `cache_machinecache` (`date`, `start`, `end`, `cpu_hours`,
`no_jobs`, `machine_id`) VALUES ('2013-11-22', '2003-12-25', '2003-12-25',
'10.00', 10, 1)
[ 10 second sleep ]

Process #2:
set autocommit=0
SELECT `machine`.`id`, `machine`.`password`, `machine`.`last_login`,
`machine`.`name`, `machine`.`no_cpus`, `machine`.`no_nodes`,
`machine`.`type`, `machine`.`category_id`, `machine`.`start_date`,
`machine`.`end_date`, `machine`.`pbs_server_host`,
`machine`.`mem_per_core`, `machine`.`scaling_factor` FROM `machine` WHERE
`machine`.`id` = 1
INSERT INTO `cache_machinecache` (`date`, `start`, `end`, `cpu_hours`,
`no_jobs`, `machine_id`) VALUES ('2013-11-22', '2003-12-25', '2003-12-25',
'10.00', 10, 1)
[ doesn't return result yet ]

10 second delay

Process #1:

Process #2
gets result

So I guess the magic line must be "set autocommit=0". Still not sure I
understand how this locks other sessions however.

However, looking at your code below, I'm guessing that the issue is you are
> wrapping the entire process up in a single transaction.

That is the recommended practise - enable the middleware that wraps every
web request in a transaction. Can be changed or a per method basis however.

I think you would be better off with two steps or at least two transactions:
> My original post suggested having a new and completely separate table just
> to do the guarding, and that may be the simpler way.

This is just a test to make sure I understand correctly what would happen.
I don't want a web request to hang around for ages waiting for the cache to
be filled. Which in turn requires Celery.

So my latest attempt at the real code is:

def gen_machine_cache(request, start, end):
        tc = TaskCache.objects.get(machine_category__isnull=True,
date=datetime.date.today(), start=start, end=end)
        if tc.ready:
            return None
        result = Task.AsyncResult(tc.celery_task_id)
        if result.ready():
            tc.ready = True
            return None
    except TaskCache.DoesNotExist:
        result = tasks.gen_machine_cache.delay(start, end)
date=datetime.date.today(), start=start, end=end,
    return render_to_response(
            { 'task_id': result.task_id },

As per your suggestion, am thinking of changing it to something like:

def gen_machine_cache(request, start, end):
        tc = TaskCache.objects.create(machine_category=None,
date=datetime.date.today(), start=start, end=end, celery_task_id="")
        result = tasks.gen_machine_cache.delay(start, end)
         tc.celery_task_id = result.task_id
    except TaskCache.IntegrityError:
        tc = TaskCache.objects.get(machine_category=None,
date=datetime.date.today(), start=start, end=end)
         if tc.ready:
            return None
        result = Task.AsyncResult(tc.celery_task_id)
        if result.ready():
            tc.ready = True
            return None

    return render_to_response(
            { 'task_id': result.task_id },

The IntegrityError case doesn't cope if celery_task_id hasn't been
initialized, however if my early tests are anything to go by, the 2nd call
to create will not return until the first mysql session is complete,
so celery_task_id should always be set at this point.

With either approach, you want a transaction just around the insert, not
> the whole data generation process.  If this is not easy to code using
> Django's ORM, then I would suggest going the separate 'guard table' route
> and using raw sql (just for that table).

Not sure this is required.

Actually, like I said, this stuff has changed in Django 1.6, so it might be
better off testing Django 1.6 now.
Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au>
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