[melbourne-pug] Calling Aussie Python coders: $10k in cash & prizes up for grabs in the Codehire Cup

Noon Silk noonslists at gmail.com
Thu May 23 08:44:51 CEST 2013

Add Haskell. And I'd be partial to Mathematica.

(Note: I don't plan on competing, to take my advice for what it's worth.)

And if you mean C# and not say the .NET environment, you should also add
the various .NET languages (including Boo and whatnot).

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Nathan Hockley <nathan at codehire.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> *
> I’ve got some exciting news today, we've just opened registrations to our
> free Australian based coding competition called the Codehire Cup.
> It is an individual based event with contestants battling to solve
> problems in Python, C/C#/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Java or Ruby in the fastest
> time possible for cash, prizes and glory!
> The competition begins June 8 with the preliminary and semi-final rounds
> being held online. If you’re one of the top competitors during these online
> rounds, you’ll be offered a spot in the live finale at Fishburners in
> Sydney (July 13), and have the chance to share in over $10,000 in cash and
> prizes.
> (If you do make it to the finals and can’t make it to Sydney you can
> compete remotely.)
> They will be releasing last year’s problems and possible solutions so you
> have an idea of tests that will be on offer.
> Think you’ve got what it takes? Put your code where your keyboard is and
> register for free today at http://Codehire.com/cup<http://cdh.re/PythonAU>
> Registrations close Midnight AEST on the 7th of June, 2013.*
> *
> *
> *We'd also love to know your thoughts on any other languages we should
> look to add. *
> *
> *
> *Thanks guys,*
> *
> *
> *Nathan*
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Noon Silk

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