[melbourne-pug] Tomorrow meeting: 6 May, 18h (6pm), Inspire9 (Level 1 41 Stewart Street, near Richmond Station)

Graeme Cross gcross at fastmail.fm
Tue May 14 10:25:31 CEST 2013

On Fri, May 10, 2013, at 05:14 PM, Nick Mellor wrote:

When's the next Melbourne-PUG meeting? Sorry to miss this one.


Hi Nick.

The next meeting is on Monday June 3. The MPUG meetings are (almost!)
always on the first Monday of the month.

I've updated the wiki -- if anyone would like to give a talk (eg. a
trial run of their PyCon AU talk or keynote ;) please add yourself to
the list.


And speaking of PyCon AU, tickets are still on sale. If you haven't
decided yet if you are going, the programme is now online and looks





1. http://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG
2. http://2013.pycon-au.org/
3. http://2013.pycon-au.org/programme/overview
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