[melbourne-pug] Notes from tonight's MPUG meeting

Sam Watkins sam at nipl.net
Tue Jun 4 06:52:56 CEST 2013

> pyc files

I simply find it's annoying having to look at them.  Don't like my `ls`
to be 50% noise.  Same problem with .o files in C.

Might be nicer if they were hidden files on *nix, or stored elsewhere.
I could wrap or hack an ls for my own use, which treats them as hidden files.

Speaking of aliases, there are many gotchas and limitations with aliases
and shell functions.  I write short shell scripts, each in a separate file.
I can use them from other scripts as needed, I can write them in any
language.  There's rarely if ever any noticable performance hit.

Even my `ls` aliases are little shell scripts, e.g. my `ll`:

ls -ltcr --color=tty "$@"

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