[melbourne-pug] Monday Python meeting

Steven Farlie steven.farlie at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 04:02:53 CET 2013

Hi everyone,

I've been banging on the door at meetup.com and just found out there is a
mailing list. Thanks Colin!

Yes I'd like to do a talk. I'm back in Australia after travelling. I spent
some time volunteering as a Python coach for OpenTechSchool Berlin and now
that I'm back I'm trying to start it up in Melbourne. So I can give my
experiences there and also talk a bit about OTS, coaching and the upcoming

OTS is a bit different from most training organisations, and it's all pro
open-source and free software, volunteer driven, no money involved etc etc,
so I'll be around to chat and hang out. I'm usually a Ruby programmer but
Python people are so nice and friendly I'm sure it won't be a problem ;)

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