[melbourne-pug] Announcements: no February meeting (Berners-Lee!), January meeting on 28 Jan

Ed Schofield ed at pythoncharmers.com
Mon Jan 7 05:08:20 CET 2013

On Monday, 7 January 2013 at 10:36 AM, Javier Candeira wrote:
> > > err... Did you realize the 28th is Australia day public holiday, and also
> > > clashes with LCA2013?
> > 
> No, I messed up there.
> So, should we bring it forward to Jan 21st, or push it back to Feb 13th?

Happy New Year everyone!

So it turns out Jan 28th isn't an ideal date, but the venue is already booked with i9 and over 15 people have already said Yes to 28th Jan on the Meetup site. So let's keep it simple and proceed with a meeting then as planned. Even if some of those people haven't realised it's a public holiday and later drop out, it's no big deal; we could always just head to a pub nearby on Swan Street if numbers are low.

And there's no rule that says we can't have more than one meeting per month -- so a February meetup (e.g. 11th Feb) would be a good idea too ... that way there's not so long to wait until the next one (4 March).

Rhydwyn: good idea about ride-sharing for LCA -- how about organising this through the mailing list?

Best wishes,

Dr. Edward Schofield
(M) +61 (0)405 676 229
Python Charmers

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