[melbourne-pug] Meetup venues: May @ Inspire9; August @ YBF

Ed Schofield ed at pythoncharmers.com
Mon Apr 23 09:54:33 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

At our last event I said that York Butter Factory had approached us offering to host some future meetups. They were also looking into the option of sponsoring drinks for us. So we will soon have the good fortune of having two great venue options available!

It turns out that YBF is not ready to offer a standing monthly sponsorship, but they have offered to host a one-off event in the future, and sponsor drinks / pizza for that event. Our existing pizza sponsorship from ekit will run out after the July meeting, so a good option for trying out YBF would be our August meetup (Monday 6th August). I'll keep you posted on whether they can confirm for that date.

Meanwhile, our friends at Inspire9 are still generously hosting our meetings until August (and probably after August too). That includes next month's meeting: Monday 6 May! :) Slots are still open for talks; if you'd like to volunteer, please add yourself to the wiki schedule here: 


Richard will be giving a talk on the "Zen of Python", a refresher of his talk at last year's PyConAU.


Dr. Edward Schofield
Python Charmers
+61 (0)405 676 229

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