[melbourne-pug] PyCon Australia 2011: Sprints

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 00:25:43 CEST 2011

Not to mention a great opportunity to get to know some people and learn from
the experience! :-)
On 29/06/2011 4:21 PM, "Ryan Kelly" <ryan at rfk.id.au> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> We have confirmed arrangements for two days of Sprints following PyCon
> Au this year. This will be a great opportunity to contribute to the
> Python ecosystem under the guidance of experienced developers, so bring
> your laptops!
> PyCon Australia is Australia's only conference dedicated exclusively to
> the Python programming language, and will be held at the Sydney Masonic
> Center over the weekend of August 20 and 21. See below for more
> information and updates on:
> 1. Post-Conference Sprints
> 2. Thanks to our Sponsors
> Please pass this message on to those you feel may be interested.
> Post-Conference Sprints
> =======================
> We are taking up the global PyCon tradition of post-conference sprints
> this year at PyCon Au.
> A Sprint is an opportunity for people to get together and do focussed
> development on a project in a fun and welcoming atmosphere. Experienced
> developers will be on hand to help newcomers get started, so bring your
> laptops and take this opportunity to contribute to the Python ecosystem!
> The sprints will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of August at the Sydney
> Masonic Center. Sprint leaders and topics so far include:
> Nick Coghlan: Python core development
> Audrey Roy/Danny Greenfeld: Django and/or Packaginator
> Richard Jones: Python Package Index
> For more information and updates see:
> http://www.pycon-au.org/2011/sprints/
> Please register your interest by emailing pycon-reg at pycon-au.org.
> Thanks to our Sponsors
> ======================
> Thanks once again to the following companies for their continuing
> support of Python and for helping to make PyCon Australia 2011 a
> reality:
> Gold: Google <http://www.google.com.au/>
> Gold: ComOps <http://www.comops.com.au/>
> Silver: Anchor <http://anchor.com.au/>
> Silver: Enthought <http://www.enthought.com/>
> Silver: Python Software Foundation <http://www.python.org/psf/>
> Silver: WingWare <http://www.wingware.com/>
> Silver: Superior Recruitment <http://superiorrecruitment.com.au/>
> Thanks also to Linux Australia, who provide the overarching legal and
> organisational structure for PyCon Australia.
> Ryan Kelly
> PyCon Australia 2011
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