[melbourne-pug] Fwd: Re: Upcoming Django conference in Asia Pacific

Andrew Thornton swifteye2 at msn.com
Wed Jun 22 11:38:01 CEST 2011

No. Not when there are other equally good web application frameworks on this planet. Honestly Mike. Try to see more of this universe than the Django ecosystem. Ruby on rails can't be THAT bad. If a clown like me can set up a ROR web application framework then I am sure that you could. 

As for going, no thanks. The vast majority of geeks are well on the way to autistic/aspergers on the spectrum. I would rather spend my free time with normal, balanced people rather than command-line nuts. I have better things to do with 100000 hours than spend it scripting. I actually have a life. 

I also know that there is this thing called an alphabet. It starts with A...and ends with Z. Most geeks can't read. They have spent their time doing C instead. Take that Andrew Tridgell for instance. Great programmer. Has about the alphabetical literacy level of a cabbage. 

I might find an improv drama group. But conferences? Please. Don't drive me nuts at the thought. I have no real interest in hanging around techno-neanderthals to whom the French Revolution never happened because it's not a C or python script. 

Andrew Thornton 

> Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:25:14 +1000
> From: miked at dewhirst.com.au
> To: melbourne-pug at python.org
> Subject: [melbourne-pug] Fwd: Re: Upcoming Django conference in Asia Pacific
> Anyone interested?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Re: Upcoming Django conference in Asia Pacific
> Date: 	Wed, 22 Jun 2011 14:08:14 +0800
> From: 	Russell Keith-Magee <russell at keith-magee.com>
> Reply-To: 	django-users at googlegroups.com
> To: 	django-users at googlegroups.com
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Dealshelve Team<dealshelve at gmail.com>  wrote:
> >  Hey guys,
> >
> >  Do we have any upcoming Django conference in Asia Pacific region or any
> >  Django conference at all here?
> There is usually a Django presence (i.e., a core developer or two, a
> few talks, and many Django users) at PyCon.AU, PyCon.NZ and
> PyCon.APAC.
> However, at present, there are no concrete plans to hold a
> DjangoCon.AU, DjangoCon.NZ or DjangoCon.APAC.
> There have been many expressions of interest in attending such an
> event; however, what is missing is a group of community members
> willing to step up and organize the event. If such a group were to
> emerge, the Django Software Foundation would do whatever it can to
> support the organization process.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> -- 
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