[melbourne-pug] multi threaded/process web apps

James Alford mydnite1 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 02:20:49 CEST 2011

After a bit of research and implementation trials I have settled somewhat.

For the moment rabbitmq and python with pika (rabbitmq client) will
plug some of the holes with the php project.  Once that is stable I
will move the php project to maintenance releases and start
redevelopment in django.

Moving forward i'm looking at a django, celery and rabiitmq combo to
give me what I need.  PHP is great for relatively simple web service
based web apps.  That is probably where it should stay.

Thanks to everyone for your input and advice.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Rasjid Wilcox <rasjidw at openminddev.net> wrote:
> On 11/07/11 19:30, paul sorenson wrote:
>> cherrypy (http://www.cherrypy.org/) is multi threaded.  I haven't used it
>> on anything but a proof of concept scale and it did what I asked of it.
> I have used CherryPy in production, and have been very happy with it.
>  Unlike Django, it comes with its own production ready web server written in
> Python, so it is trivial to deploy.  (On linux I run it under Supervisor -
> http://supervisord.org/ - also written in Python.  On Windows it can be run
> as a Service.)  IMO it is more 'pythonic' than Django, and allows you to use
> whatever ORM you want (or none if none are required).
> Other lightweight frameworks that I've been I have looked at briefly but not
> used in production are:
> Flask (http://flask.pocoo.org/)
> Bottle (http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/)
> Aspen (http://aspen.io/)
> Aspen is really interesting in that it is based around the filesystem rather
> than routes etc, and is much closer to PHP is style and simplicity, but with
> Python goodness.
> Less lightweight but worth looking at:
> Pyramid (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/docs/pyramid.html) which is built on
> Pylons.
> For something completely different, there is Nagare (http://www.nagare.org/)
> that runs on top of Stackless Python, and looks really interesting.  Not
> sure if it would be a good fit in this case, but looks like some very cool
> tech.
> Cheers,
> Rasjid.
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