[melbourne-pug] multi threaded/process web apps

Rasjid Wilcox rasjidw at openminddev.net
Thu Jul 14 02:07:18 CEST 2011

Hi Richard,

Do you know if the talks be recorded and made available online?  Your 
talk covers all the frameworks that I'm interested in (plus several 
others I've not head of), sans Nagare as per my prior post.  (Not sure 
if Nagare counts as a micro-framework or not - so may or may not fit in 
with your talk.)  Unfortunately I'm unable to make it to PyCon due to 
family commitments, but would still love to see you talk.



On 12/07/11 11:02, Richard Jones wrote:
> PLUG TIME! :-)
> People interested in light-weight web frameworks might be interested
> in my talk coming up at PyCon AU "Web Micro-Framework Battle."
> So far I've looked into: aspen.io, bobo, bottle, celery, cgi+basehttp,
> cherrypy, flask, grok, itty, milla, pesto, pyramid, routes+webob,
> web.py, web2py and werkzeug.
> Suggestions for additional frameworks to look at are welcome.
>       Richard
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