[melbourne-pug] Next meeting: Monday 7th March @ RMIT

Richard Jones r1chardj0n3s at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 04:53:10 CET 2011

Hi all,

Thanks for the great meeting last night. It's always nice to see a
bunch of new faces!

I've confirmed the RMIT lecture room booking for the rest of the year
(well until November since I can't book December until September ...
er :-) The calendar has been updated with these meeting dates (get it
via http://bit.ly/mpug) Please start thinking about things you might
tell us all about. Stuff you discover, create or use over the next
month. Also there's several of us that'll take requests (I've
previously done some quick talks on various bits of Python
syntax/semantics and am happy to do so again).


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