[melbourne-pug] More Python meetups!

Ed Schofield edschofield at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 00:33:05 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

We're re-starting the monthly Python meetups!

We're lucky to have been offered a venue for future Python meetups by
Inspire9 in Richmond. The venue will be free of charge -- as a favour
from Nathan @ Inspire9 to the Python community, which is awesome. I've
created a Meetup.com page to keep track of numbers etc.:


The aim is to bring Python people in Melbourne together and to build
up a buzzing community like the Ruby community.

The first meetup will be this coming Friday, 5th November, from 6pm onwards.

The meetups will be based on talks, followed by dinner nearby (in Swan
Street, Richmond). The goal is six talks of 5 minutes each. (Longer
talks are also an option.) Talks can cover any topics of interest to
the Python community: insights, ideas, news, best practices .... Some
possible topics are: PyConAu (Richard? hint hint), Python 3,
particular Python packages, testing, deployment, teaching Python,
reviews of other languages, observations about Python in the
workplace, Python in science and engineering, and broader topics about
open source and the internet, etc.

If you're thinking about giving a talk, please do! Leave a post on the
meetup site and/or mark yourself down on the PUG wiki
(http://wiki.python.org/moin/MelbournePUG). We'd love to hear from

And do join the meetup group, whether or not you can come this Friday!


Best wishes,
-- Ed

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