[melbourne-pug] Windows thoughts

Mike Dewhirst miked at dewhirst.com.au
Fri Jul 2 07:21:38 CEST 2010

Just in case anyone is contemplating a Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 
laptop with an intel i7 CPU with 8Gb of RAM, here are my thoughts FWIW.

1. Trying to set up Win7 with Python is problematic if you need Python 
packages not yet compiled for 64-bit Windows

2. Trying to set up 32-bit Python with all your familiar packages is 
also problematic because some of them might rely on 32-bit Microsoft 
Visual Studio C++ libraries. I couldn't get Win7 to even download VC++ 
without digging IE out of the recycle bin - then it would only download 
and install the 64-bit version.

3. The solution seems to be Oracle VirtualBox and to install a 32-bit 
WinXP Pro so I can recreate a familiar environment. That is under way as 
I write this. I think I'll document what happens in case I have to do it 

4. VirtualBox also let me install a 64-bit Linux server and both 64-bit 
and 32-bit Linux test environments to exploit more of those i7 cores and 
that very generous 8Gb of RAM. Greed is good!

5. I'll take the 64-bit Python road a little more slowly as time permits 
and demand requires.

6. Being familiar with WinXP I think Windows Explorer in Win7 sucks.

7. UAC - what were they thinking? I admit it is necessary and also that 
the Unix/Linux security model takes getting used to in the beginning. 
But it is worthwhile putting the effort in for Linux because it is 
stable. It's a good return over a long term investment. I don't trust MS 
to get UAC right for quite some time so why should I invest my meagre 
brainspace in their ever-changing ideas? BTW I skipped Vista entirely 
and managed to persuade my clients likewise. Unfortunately some are 
looking at Windows 7 and as I discovered you cannot buy a Windows laptop 
without it!

8. It is no use getting upset and frustrated. I'm trying to relax. As 
someone else said, there are few certainties in life but you can count 
on death, taxes and Microsoft.


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