[melbourne-pug] oppurtunity of Python jobs

Paul pwdyson at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 10 04:41:16 CET 2010

I work at the BOM and it is a big place with many different groups working on very different projects. Although one position may need GIS, another one may not, so don't let GIS put you off.

The requirements should be in the job description. There are some software jobs advertised at the moment, but I don't see anything Python based.

You can find the current job opportunities here:


--- On Sun, 1/10/10, Paul Holt <pcholt at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Paul Holt <pcholt at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [melbourne-pug] oppurtunity of Python jobs
To: "Melbourne Python Users Group" <melbourne-pug at python.org>
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 11:23 AM

I applied for one of the BOM positions. What they are really after are people who are familiar with both Python and geographical information systems. From what I can gather, GIS is a rather specialised field, with its own set of arcame xml-like file formats.


On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Nick Farrell <nick at farrell.name> wrote:

In terms of supply vs demand I believe Melbourne is a reasonable place to look - I have been working as a Python person for my last few jobs - but the overall supply and demand is quite low compared to (say) the US, I suspect.

If you want to live in Melbourne keep an eye on the BOM (www.bom.gov.au) as they have a fairly strong python presence. I am moving jobs at the moment (finishing in about a month) - if you have some statistical and/or economic credentials let me know more about you, and you never know, you could end up taking up my current role.



On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Bartosz SKOWRON <getxsick at gmail.com> wrote:


I'm from Europe but still thinking about moving in to Melbourne

because of many reasons. Just looked through job offers on some

websites and honestly i thought that i will find more python job

offers. can anyone tell me about condition of local job market? how

difficult is to find a cool job as a Python developer? especially not


thanks in advance!



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Paul Holt

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