[melbourne-pug] Project time?

Irae Hueck Costa iraehc at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 5 05:36:07 CET 2010

How about a little brainstorming and then we meet at some McDonalds?
Here an idea:
Feed the data into an artificial neural network (and make the found patterns usefull for the everyday use?).
I dont think that this will give better results than other stochastic methods, but it sounds fancy.

Here some shorter python specific introduction to neural networks:

Maybe we should use some other way to communicate about this project so we don`t flood the email incomming box of people who are not interested.

> From: r1chardj0n3s at gmail.com
> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:05:44 +1100
> To: melbourne-pug at python.org
> Subject: [melbourne-pug] Project time?
> Hi all,
> So this competition was just announced:
> http://www.premier.vic.gov.au/component/content/article/9300.html
> The short story being:
> 1. take 50 datasets like 
> 	• Maps of local hospitals (http://www.health.vic.gov.au/maps/index.htm)
> 	• Crime statistics (http://www.vicpolicenews.com.au/myplace.html)
> 	• Water resources data (http://www.vicwaterdata.net/)
> 2. crank up a Pinax website (allowing us to focus on point #3)
> 3. present information from #1 in "interesting" ways
> 4. profit!
> So, who's interested?
>       Richard
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