[melbourne-pug] GUI libaries for Python

Richard Jones r1chardj0n3s at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 05:43:46 CET 2010

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:25 PM, David Crisp <dcrisp at netspace.net.au> wrote:
> Last night at the MPUG meeting I asked which GUI libaries people recomended.
>  There were two mentioned:  PyQt and TkInter.
> I remembered the name of the one i had started to look at which was WxPython
> which appears to be quite nice,  from a non programers point of view.   The
> gui stuff I am investigating is for my thesis data gathering and as such is
> really only goign to be used within a Windows environment.
> But where does WxPython stand compared to PyQt and TkInter with the MPUG
> members?  Is it an "actually thats good also"  or is it classed as
> "seriously dont do it to yourself" ?

>From my experience Qt - and hence PyQt since it Pythonically wraps the
lovely C++ framework - has a much nicer API design to Wx.

Tkinter can be a little "nasty" but for quick jobs and those where
prettiness isn't needed it's perfectly acceptable. I did a whole
presentation about how Tkinter doesn't suck at Kiwi PyCon last year
:-) It's around on the tubes somewhere...


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