[melbourne-pug] Meetup on Tuesday

Ryan Kelly ryan at rfk.id.au
Tue Sep 8 08:53:52 CEST 2009

Hi All,

> Hey everyone, next Tuesday is the next Python meetup, and it's cool  
> for cats! (whatever that means?)

Just wanted to put in my apologies, unfortunately I won't be able to
make it tonight - which is doubly disappointing now that I know it's
going to be cool for cats!

I've got a good excuse though: newborn twin sons who are eating up most
of my spare time and all of my spare energy :-)

As penance, I'm happy to volunteer a talk for the next meeting:

 "FS: a virtual filesystem library"

Also known as:

 "A compressed encrypted cloud-backed filesystem in 20 lines of Python"

Hope everyone has a great night!


Ryan Kelly
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