[melbourne-pug] Call for Papers - PyCon Asia Pacific 2010

Maurice Ling mauriceling at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 03:06:28 CEST 2009

 Dear fellow friends and colleagues,
I apologize if you had received multiple copies of this Call for Papers.

Maurice LING
mobile: +6596669233, +6568707927
www: http://maurice.vodien.com
CV: http://maurice.vodien.com/maurice_resume.pdf
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mauriceling
Call for Papers - PyCon Asia Pacific 2010
PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 represents a major development for the Python
community in the Asia Pacific region. In Asia Pacific, we are encouraged by
the country-level initiatives of Python conferences in India and New
Zealand. We fully expect that PyCon Asia Pacific will be hosted by different
APAC countries as the momentum of Python develops in the region.

Quote : “…Python development in the Asia Pacific region is proceeding
rapidly… I would very much like to highlight the special nature of this
conference…. I hope that my presence will help to further international
cooperation on Python development”
Steven Holden, Chairman, Python Software Foundation (PSF)
Keynote, PyCon Asia Pacific 2010

PyCon Asia Pacific 2010’s is looking for proposals from the Python community
to fill its formal presentation tracks. The Conference Days will be June
10-11, 2010 in Singapore, preceded by a Tutorial Day (June 9). (

Important Dates
•       Call for Papers: August 15, 2009
•       Deadline for Paper Submissions: February 1, 2010
•       Notification of Paper Acceptance: March 15, 2010
•       Conference Registration Open: March 15, 2010
•       Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: April 15, 2010
•       Conference Days: June 10 - 11, 2010 (preceded by tutorials on the
June 9, 2010)

PyCon Topics
PyCon conferences worldwide have had a broad range of presentations, ranging
from reports on academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case
studies. We hope to continue that tradition here at PyCon Asia Pacific in
Singapore. As long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful
to the Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.
We are especially interested in short presentations that will teach
conference-goers something new and useful.

Suitable topics for PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 presentations include, but are
not limited to:
•       Core Python and other implementations: IronPython, Jython, PyPy and
•       Python libraries and extensions
•       Business Applications
•       Databases
•       Embedding and Extending Python
•       Game Programming
•       GUI Programming
•       Network Programming
•       Python in IT Security
•       Open Source Python projects
•       Packaging Issues
•       Programming Tools
•       Project Best Practices
•       Python in Education, Science and Math
•       System Administration
•       Web Programming (Django, Zope, TurboGears, WSGI)

Talk Format
The preferred length for talks is 30 minutes. Session lengths include time
for audience questions. You should budget at least five minutes for
questions; for example, a 30-minute talk will be 25 minutes of presentation
and 5 minutes of questions. Open Space rooms will also be available for
follow-up sessions.

Proposal Submission
The primary author should submit a proposal, after which additional authors
can be added. This is to help us make arrangements for reviewers and draft
the conference programme. The proposal must include the following:
•       Talk title.
•       Choice of one or more category tag.
•       Level. Indicate the intended audience difficulty level i.e.
beginner, intermediate or advanced.
•       Summary (max 100 words) for the website.
•       Description : Detailed outline for review; notes for reviewers and
permission for your talk to be recorded.

Your proposal will be reviewed by the programme committee. If your proposal
is accepted, you should thereafter include:
•       a companion paper (up to 30 pages) OR
•       an extended abstract (up to 3 pages) along with your presentation.
Go to http://us.pycon.org/2008/conference/proposals/example1/ for an example
of a conference talk proposal.

Please send your proposal (and any questions) to conference at pugs.org.sg.

Companion Paper or Extended Abstract Submission
All presenters should submit a paper by the deadline above, with or without
prior proposal submission.

This submission is to be your full paper (companion paper or extended
abstract), not a draft. It should contain all of the usual aspects of a
paper such as an abstract, introduction, body and conclusion. Please ensure
that this submission has had its grammar and spelling corrected and that
code snippets work.

Your paper will be peer-reviewed by the programme committee and a notice of
paper acceptance with review comments will be sent to the author(s) on March
15, 2010.

Accepted papers can be amended by the author(s), taking into account of
reviewers' comments and submit for publication by April 15, 2010.

•       All papers will be published in The Python Papers Monograph series (
www.pythonpapers.org). We suggest, but do not require, all authors to place
their papers under the Creative Commons license.
•       Please see http://www.pythonpapers.org/instAuthor.html for the
preferred formats of submission.
•       Please submit your papers at
Your paper allows attendees who attended your talk a chance to refresh their
memories about your presentation, and gives attendees who missed your talk a
chance to learn from you anyway. Make sure your paper includes - at the very
least - a brief introduction to your subject material and a list of further

PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 in Singapore cannot offer payment or free
registration to all conference speakers. However, financial aid will be
available were possible, and giving a talk is a great rationale. If you
require financial aid in order to attend PyCon Asia Pacific 2010 in
Singapore, please note it in your proposal. If you have any questions,
contact conference at pugs.org.sg.
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