[melbourne-pug] Python Meetups

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 02:37:51 CEST 2007

Thanks everyone for their responses.

It looks like everyone can make it to the CBD on weekday evenings, except
one. There are also substantial numbers of people who could make weekday
lunches in the city, or weekday evenings in South Yarra.

Relatively few can make it on weekends, although there is a significant
minority who would be able to.

The frequency interest is essentially from bi-monthly to once every 3
months. I would suggest once every month, or perhaps once every second
month, to begin with and we can take it from there. Dinner in the CBD in the
first instance seems most appropriate, for a social gathering and discussion
about where to go next. I, personally, would be unable to attend very
regular meetings in the evening, and have much more availability at
lunchtimes. On that basis, I would recommend an alternating pattern between
lunchtimes and evenings, to allow those with a preference to attend when it
most suits them.

Could everyone please let me know what they could attend from the following
list, voting multiple times where applicable. Starting times are open for
discussion, but early meetings to be followed by dinner seem like a good
option. As such, I've suggested 6pm, but 6.30 might be easier for people.

   1) Meetings in the CBD at 6pm on a weeknight
   2) Meetings in the CBD at 12.30pm for lunch on a weekday
   3) Meetings at South Yarra, (less than five minutes walk from South Yarra
Station, through which the Sandringham, Frankston, Pakenham and Cranbourne
lines run), at 6pm on a weeknight
   4) Weekend meetings of any kind

If we get reasonable interest in these options, I would suggest rotating the
meeting place between each to give maximum flexibility to those for whom the
choice of time and venue is problematic.

Would anyone like to propose a venue? If there are no other preferences,
there's a pub/bar which I have been to for lunch which is spacious, clean
and reasonably priced at Spencer St / Southern Cross Station. I'll have find
out what it's called and what its opening hours are, but it is certainly
very accessibly by public transport. I think it is the one called "Loco
Bar", but I can't find further information on the  net at this stage.

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