[melbourne-pug] OSDClub meeting, 8th August

Richard Jones richardjones at optushome.com.au
Fri Aug 3 11:39:26 CEST 2007

[forwarded on behalf of Jacinta]

G'day everyone,

Next week Melbourne Perl Mongers will be hosting the Open Source Developers'
Club meeting.  The meeting place will be at:

        6:30pm   Wednesday 8th August

        Level 8
        14 Blackwood Street
        North Melbourne

Our talks for the night will be:

An Illustrated History of Failure, Paul Fenwick
The average individual is given little scope for failure, at least not the 
type that really matters.  The opportunity for catastrophic failure, that 
influences nations or continents, has been traditionally reserved for 
royalty, parliament, and others in a position of great leadership.

However in recent times we have developed a profession who have the 
opportunity to fail like never before.   A profession that can make mistakes 
that are so monumental, so wide-reaching, and so costly they can shake 
civilization to its very core. This elite group, rarely seen by every day 
society, are the foundation upon which modern society depends.  The few, the 
proud, the System Administrators.

Join us for a voyage of discovery, as we travel back through history to some 
of the most monumental failures the world has ever seen.

Introduction to Selenium, Simon Hildebrandt
Selenium is an open source test automation tool for testing web applications.
It runs tests directly in a browser - just like your users do!  It can use IE,
Mozilla and Firefox on Windows, Linux and Macintosh.  With the Firefox plugin
creating tests is as easy and clicking and selecting text.  However these 
tests can be compiled into a format that works with Java, .NET, Perl, Python 
and Ruby!

Simon will give a whirl-wind tour of Selenium and how much easier it can make
your web applications testing.

Please invite your friends, family and colleagues along to attend!

All the very best,


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