[melbourne-pug] developing something as a group

Maurice Ling mauriceling at acm.org
Sat Jun 18 03:01:25 CEST 2005

>If we choose any particular project and work on it for
>more than one session as the official Melb PUG
>meeting, the danger is that the people who are
>interested in python but not in that project will not
>come along. I believe that a sprint for a particular
>open source project would be a more effective way to
>achieve something while sharing knowledge.
Sprints may be good as an active spur of development. But it may not be 
the only way we can do. We can also work on a project (open source) as a 
group. If I am not wrong, this idea of developing something as user 
group had been done before. And I think that a user group does provide 
the environment for it. Own mailing list, periodic meetings, geographic 
vicinity makes it easier to have coffee...

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