[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] inconsistency in array()?

janko hauser jhauser@ifm.uni-kiel.de
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:06:48 +0100

Hello, I have tried the new NumPy-beta. I first had some problems with
the path, I mixed up the old and the new distribution. I hope that the
next points are unaffected by this :-)

I think the asarray() function is broken, and with this the shape()
function too. In Numeric.py (+244) array() is called with a keyword,
wich it doesn't understand. I had a look in the old and new
multiarray-code and the former method asarray has changed to a Numeric
function. Is this right? And why, may I ask?

UserArray is broken but I append a version wich hopefully is ok. (It
is broken, because it is not possible to use less() or something like
that) There is one remaining problem, because I can't make a
reference to a slice of the UserArray-object, I only get copys, wich
is suboptimal. Any suggestions? :-)

The benefit of the new implementation is, that I can use all functions
with an instance of this class, without definig them in the


Here comes a new UserArray: (If there are bugs, please shout loud, I
need this class)

## --------------- cut here ----------------------------------------
from Numeric import *
import string

class UserArray:
    def __init__(self, data, typecode = None):
	# Needs more testing 
	if typecode == None:
	    self.array = asarray(data)
	    self.array = array(data, typecode)

	self.shape = self.array.shape
	self.typecode = self.array.typecode()
	self.name = string.split(str(self.__class__))[1]

    def __repr__(self):
	return self.name+"\n"+str(self.array)

    def __array__(self,t=None):
	if t: return asarray(self.array,t)
	return asarray(self.array)

    def __float__(self):
	return float(asarray(self.array))

    # Array as sequence
    def __len__(self): return len(self.array)

    def __getitem__(self, index): 
	return self._rc(self.array[index])

    def __getslice__(self, i, j): 
	return self._rc(self.array[i:j])

    def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.array[index] = asarray(value,self.typecode)
    def __setslice__(self, i, j, value): self.array[i:j] = asarray(value)

    def __del__(self):
	for att in dir(self):

    def __abs__(self): return self._rc(absolute(self.array))
    def __neg__(self): return self._rc(-self.array)

    def __add__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(self.array+asarray(other))
    __radd__ = __add__

    def __sub__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(self.array-asarray(other))
    def __rsub__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(asarray(other)-self.array)

    def __mul__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(multiply(self.array,asarray(other)))
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __div__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(divide(self.array,asarray(other)))
    def __rdiv__(self, other): 
	return self._rc(divide(asarray(other),self.array))

    def __pow__(self,other): 
	return self._rc(power(self.array,asarray(other)))
    def __rpow__(self,other): 
	return self._rc(power(asarray(other),self.array))

    def __sqrt__(self): 
	return self._rc(sqrt(self.array))

    def tostring(self): return self.array.tostring()

    def byteswapped(self): return self._rc(self.array.byteswapped())
    def asType(self, typecode): return self._rc(self.array.asType(typecode))
    def typecode(self): return self.array.typecode()
    def itemsize(self): return self.array.itemsize()
    def isContiguous(self): return self.array.isContiguous()


# Test of class UserArray
if __name__ == '__main__':

    import Numeric


    # new object created begin test
    print dir(ua)
    print shape(ua),ua.shape # I have changed Numeric.py

    print ua_small
    ua_small[0,0]=10  # this did not change ua[0,0], wich is not normal behavior
    print ua_small[0,0],ua[0,0]
    print sin(ua_small)/3.*6.+sqrt(ua_small**2)
    print less(ua_small,103),type(less(ua_small,103))
    print type(ua_small*reshape(arange(15),shape(ua_small)))
    print reshape(ua_small,(5,3))
    print transpose(ua_small)

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